niedziela, 24 lutego 2013

”On the 8th Day God created juice. But in 2012 Frankie’s did it better.” Interview with Martin Hofman Laursen founder of Frankie’s - smoothie & juice bar in Wrocław.

What does Frankie’s mean? Who hit on this idea?
Frankie’s means honesty in Latin. The name is chosen to signal that all we do in Frankie’s is true and honest. We don’t add anything to the juices and everything we prepare is fresh and in high quality, which is also the reason we are preparing all our product in front of our customers.

How do you create recipes for juices?
The recipes are very carefully designed after a summer of testing and trying many different combinations. Our goal is to make different kind of tastes, but keeping all juices fresh and healthy. We wanted to make juices for every taste.

But in Frankie’s we can also eat health salads and soups and go jogging with you and your workers in the evening. Do you want to create a meeting place where people like you (who live healthily and actively) get together ?
The main idea behind Frankie’s is to create an atmosphere of openness and good feeling. We are the place for people who are and dare to be themselves and being true to themselves. Our philosophy is to combine healthy lifestyle with trend and openness. You don’t have to live super healthy to visit Frankie’s, it is more important that you will be yourself.
How long have you been living in this way?
I have always been living healthy, it is a lifestyle. But as everything else in this world – living healthy should be a balance. If you overdo it and don’t have yourself with you, it will never work out. Sometimes you have to give yourself some freedom, to do what you feel for.

Are you happy here and now? Before you set up your own business in Poland, you had worked as Account Manager in Denmark. Why did you decide to quit a job and start doing something else?
It is very difficult measure happiness, but I like adventures and experiences. I think life should be one long road of experience, which create the foundation for happiness and freedom. Going to Poland and changing my life completely was a very big experience for me, and I have achieved and learned a lot on my way. Now more and new experiences are waiting for me and I can’t wait to get started.


You’ve changed not only your job but also your life. Have you ever been in Poland before? A lot of people go abroad but you arrived here.
The reason I came to Poland is two sided. I had a personal reason and a business reason. My mother is born in Wroclaw and lived the first 16 years of her life here. I wanted to feel on my own body where she came from and want culture made her how she is today. From a business point of view I have a great believe in Poland’s growth and I think within 10-15 years Poland’s wealth and culture will be more similar to rest of Western Europe. I also believe that we have a chance to create something different and original with the background we have. Our dream is to make Frankie’s a big chain in Poland, but always have focus on the closeness with our customers.

You moved with your younger brother, you work together. Was it a smart move? Was setting-up Frankie’s your dream?
Frankie’s is our dream now; we believe in it and will do what it takes to make it work. My brother and I are very different as persons and in the way we think, we have different strength and weakness, but we always respect each other. Which is why it is working very good between us. We have divided our working tasks into different groups and respect each other work. When your brother is also your business partner, you always have one person close to you whom you can trust 100%, and this is very important.
Nicholas - Martin's brother
You often organize many events in Frankie’s – Beauty Day, Speed Date, Facebudka. Do you think that your customers expect this amusements?
We believe in doing things in a different way – thinking out of the box. This is the reason we did all these events and we have the courage to do it. It is nice when we can offer people something more than our everyday products and we will always work on smaller events. We are also having fun doing it, which I guess is very important. 

Martyna Bieżyńska

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